Peter Goettler I’m excited to announce that today Cato launches its new quarterly magazine Free…
Editor’s Pick
Travis Fisher Tomorrow, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) will hold a confirmation…
Editor's PickInvesting
Medicare and Social Security Are Responsible for 100 Percent of US Unfunded Obligations
Romina Boccia The Financial Report of the United States Government (also known as the Financial…
Chris Edwards The low‐income housing tax credit (LIHTC) provides $13 billion a year of federal subsidies…
Editor's PickInvesting
A Record Quarter of a Million International Students Denied Visas, 36 Percent of Applicants
David J. Bier This updates an earlier post. Student visas are the primary jumping‐off point…
David Inserra The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the Murthy v. Missouri case, which…
Editor's PickInvesting
New Defending Globalization Content: International Tax Competition and the Globalization of Ideas
Scott Lincicome Today we’ve published two new essays for Cato’s Defending Globalization project: Competing for…
Peter Van Doren A recent New York Times op‐ed by Obama administration deputy assistant treasury…
Marc Joffe The State of California finally published its fiscal year 2022 audited financial statements…
Sophia Bagley and Ryan Bourne In the Biden administration’s latest effort to combat “junk fees,”…